Duane es copropietario de Hogg Batch Coffee y genio creativo detrás de la marca. Junto con su hermano gemelo, Hogg Batch se especializa en café experimental, llevando el café premium al siguiente nivel para crear sabores únicos. Duane es un tostador y conocedor de café al que también le apasiona el fitness, el arte, la moda y ayudar a las personas a alcanzar sus objetivos.
Instagram: @hoggbatch @livefreeartist
Brewing a Barrel Aged Coffee - Papua New Guinea Timuza with Duane Hogg
Prep Time
2-3 minutes
Papua New Guinea Timuza, fully washed - Barrel aged and roasted by Hogg Batch Coffee, St Pete, FL
“Coffee + Whiskey” (Hogg Batch Coffee) - This limited release barrel-aged coffee features a single origin coffees from Papua New Guinea Timuza paired with the warm notes from a fresh dumped Tin Cup Whiskey barrel.
*This brew recipe uses lemon peel and sugar to make a “Coffee + Whiskey Limón” (non-alcoholic) drink. The additional sweetness and acidity pair with the barrel-aged coffee to make a truly unique beverage! If you don’t have lemon peel and sugar, feel free to omit those steps in the recipe, and brew as usual*
Ratio: 1:15 (15g coffee: 225g water)
Medium fine (sea salt)
Water Temp: 200 F
Author:Duane Hogg (He/ Him)
15g Coffee ‘Coffee + Whiskey’ Barrel Aged Coffee, medium fine grind size
Small Origami Dripper
Conical Filter
Gooseneck kettle
Scale with Timer
Carafe or mug (to brew into)
Additional Ingredients:
300 ml filtered water
Fresh lemon peel
½ tsp raw sugar (sweeten as desired)
Bring filtered water to boil approximately 200°F
While the water is heating, slice a 2-inch piece of lemon peel and place in your carafe/mug, along with ½ tsp raw sugar, and about a tablespoon of water
Measure and grind 15g of coffee a little finer than normal to achieve consistency similar to sea salt.
Set up your Origami dripper and holder over your carafe/mug atop a scale, preferably with a timer.
Place the paper filter in the Origami dripper and rinse your filter over the sink in order to reduce the paper taste. *Make sure not to do this rinse over the carafe/mug you already put the lemon peel/sugar into.
Add the fresh coffee grounds to the filter and swirl gently to even them out.
Once the water has reached the approximate temperature, wet the grounds evenly just enough to coat them and start your timer. Allow the grounds to bloom for approximately 30 secs.
Begin pouring the filtered water over the grounds in a slow, circular motion, allowing them rise and fall gradually but never letting them dry out.
Keep pouring until you’ve measured approximately 225 ml of water. This should take roughly 2 – 3 minutes total time. Remove Origami dripper and enjoy!
Recipe Note
Stay focused while brewing, everything moves pretty fast!