Amamos a las personas, amamos el café, amamos a los agricultores, amamos compartir frecuencias más altas, amamos animarnos unos a otros, amamos la verdad, amamos la creatividad, los amamos a ustedes. Todo este amor lo compartimos a través de nuestra empresa Cute Coffee. Nos centramos en el comercio amistoso de café verde de agricultores que se convierten en nuestros amigos y familiares. Tostamos café por encargo y ponemos regalos en cada bolsa. ¡Rezamos para poder compartir nuestras aventuras de Cute Coffee contigo tan pronto! Muchas Bendiciones... BiankA & SabreeN
Instagram: @ilovecutecoffee
Brewing with Bianka & Sabreen
Conical Filter
NaBlessed & Sanctified, La Real Expedición Botánical, Colombia, Anoxic Natural
Roasted by CutE CoffeE, Bay Area, CA
This coffee is from Ana Mustafá of La Real Expedición Botánical. It is called Nablus after the town Ana's grandfather came from in Palestine. We are calling it "NaBlessed & Sanctified." We will be releasing it next month! Umeshiso said it taste like Pineapple Nectar!
Ratio: 1:14.72 (22.2g coffee: 327g water)
Medium-Fine (15 on Baratza Encore that has been calibrated to the finest setting)
Water Temp: 200 F
Author:Bianka & Sabreen

22 .2 gram coffee, NaBlessed & Sanctified, La Real Expedición Botánical, Colombia, Anoxic Natural roasted by Cute Coffee
Small Origami dripper
Conical filter and Third Wave Water
Kettle for boiling water
Gooseneck kettle for pouring
Scale with Timer
Glass decanter/mug (to brew into)
First we prepared the water. We filled up our kettle to the max and put the packet of 3rd wave water in. We stirred the water and then started heating the kettle.
While the water was heating we ground our coffee, had some sips of water, and threw the ball around a few times for our dog :)
When the water was heated we filled our gooseneck kettle with the boiled water. Then we placed our thermometer into the water. Once we reached our desired temperature (200 F) we placed our conical filter into the Origami dripper and wet the filter with the hot water.
We then dropped our ground coffee in the filter and gently shook the Origami to even out the brew bed. Then we began our first pour to 60grams for a 45 second bloom.
Pulse Pour 1 at 1:00 to 127.7 grams of water.
Pulse Pour 2 at 1:30 to 200 grams of water.
Pulse Pour 3 at 2:00 to 300 grams of water. STEP 8:Final Pour at 2:50 to 327 grams of water. Brew was finished at 3:08.
Recipe Note
Watch your energy when you brew. Brew in a happy mood for the most magnificent palate pleasantries!